Sunday, 10 October 2010

Things really have got better - it’s now all right to be right and Right

Maybe it’s the weather today – sunny and pleasant in London – but I was struck earlier by how many things which seemed unquestionable just two or three years ago have been exposed as grotesquely misleading myths to the satisfaction of everyone who isn’t – directly or indirectly - sucking at the public teat.
First, Gordon Brown’s reputation as a competent chancellor and the idea that he would make a much better prime minister than Tony Blair. Phhhttt!

It’s not that long ago – 2007? 2008? – that expressing skepticism about climate chance made one feel like the man in a Bateman cartoon. Phhhttt!

Alternative sources of renewable energy are the future (aren’t wind-farms fun!) – but not that horrid nuclear stuff. Phhhttt!

Barry Obama is the Messiah, come to lead the world into the sunlit uplands guaranteed by the Big State. Phhhttt!

Only Tory politicians are greedy, scum-sucking sleazeballs. Phhhttt!

Vince Cable – if only this confused old man was running the country! Phhhttt!

The Tories just need to be more like New Labour – i.e. renege on every promise and defecate on everything their core supporters believe in from a great height – and they’ll win a handsome majority. Phhhttt!

We need to be at the heart of Europe – just look at how well Ireland has done out of it. Phhhttt!

And it doesn’t end there, of course, but I’m Phhhttt! to bust.

And these aren’t minor reversals. They’re whopping great embarrassing, caught-on-camera-with-your-trousers-around-your-ankles, so-wrong-it’s-hilarious, utterly humiliating 180 degree reversals that expose every vacuous, unthinking, “special needs” libtard for what they really are: fantasists who’ll believe in anything that flies in the face of experience,  human nature and common sense. Maybe – just maybe – it’ll start to dawn on one or two of these delusional wretches that simply wanting something to be true doesn’t actually make it so.

Yes we can? Not necessarily, sunshine!

Of course, every silver lining is usually attached to a bloody great cloud, and these common-sensical green shoots are evidently emerging from an Everest of economic and social faeces. But at least they’re there!

The truly heartening thing about all this is that it has happened – in the UK, at least – without any help whatsoever from the political class. There has been no straight-talking, right-wing sensibilist lighting our path back to reality – no Reagan or Thatcher to expose the workings of the Matrix. For years, British Television has been devoid of a scintilla of a smidgin of a hint that we were heading in the wrong direction – in fact, it has acted as the propaganda arm of the liberal consensualists who control our public life. Most of the gold-top newspapers have relentlessly pumped out the standard line on every single subject (the day the Telegraph announced that it accepted the Global Warming argument was a particularly depressing one).   A few independent-minded commentators in theTelegraph, the Spectator and the Salisbury Review were, it transpires, right on just about every count -  and have been rewarded, in the main, with hatred and mockery.

Of course, if our politicians remain as cowardly and supine as they were throughout the Blair/Brown Terror, this could all fizzle out – especially when the cuts actually take effect and millions join the public sector unions’ clamour for the good old days of a perpetual free lunch at someone else’s expense.

But, for now, let’s at least celebrate how far we’ve travelled along Reality Road in just a few short years. And keep our eyes peeled for someone who can lead us all the way to Sensible City.


  1. "Maybe it’s the weather today – sunny and pleasant in London ..."

    Daily Telegraph*:

    "US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life' ..."


    Monday, October 11, 2010 - 08:59 AM

  2. And, Glory Be!, the BBC's latest editorial guidelines, issued yesterday, tell programme-makers to give more space to climate change sceptics - apparently one of their reporters failed to act on the UEA emails, despite having them, or to adequately report the IPCC's howler about the Himalayan glaciers disappearing by 2035.
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - 10:57 AM
