Monday, 7 November 2011

The moronic Nazi brats of the US "Occupy" movement

(Hat-tip: Biased BBC)
Background: Left-wing fascists belonging to the "Occupy DC" movement do their best to disrupt a Tea Party summit (entitled "Defending the American Dream") at the Washington Convention Center last Friday.

Confucius, he say: "He who doesn't wish to be injured shouldn't stand in front of SUV". And, of course, their mates shouldn't go whining to the police when they discover that actions have consequences.


  1. In 1968 mayor Daley gave the Chicago PD carte blanche to break up the demonstrations at the Democratic Party convention. In 1970 the National Guard opened fire at Kent State killing several students. Or go back the violence against the strikers in the 1930s. American Authorities have historically adopted a no-nonsense approach to civil unrest. These rioters really put themselves in harm's way. Now they have to close Madison Avenue on Friday afternoons to allow the muslim spill-over from a huge mosque to worship in the street and now this. Are the Americans getting as wet as us or is there an election coming up?

  2. All part of the desire of US liberals to Europeanise their once-great country. The stranglehold of the the Left over their courts, Academia, publishing, the press, broadcasting and the film industry - in fact, the whole cultural shebang, is terrifying. In terms of political correctness and sucking up to other cultures and the self-hatred of their liberal elites - they might be even worse! As you'll know, the 1968 there was an attempt to hijack the '68 democratic convention by the lunatic, fascist left and Daley gave them what they were asking for. When that blitherin idiot Eugene McCarthy got the Democratic nomination, the multi-culti Nazi fruit loops actually did succeed in destroying one convention entirely (I think it was 72?). As for Kent State, it had to happen sometime: whenever this sort of thing happens in a democracy, I'm always on the side of the forces of law and order - even when they make a mistake.

  3. Are you sure you mean that, Scott? Four unarmed teenage students protesting peacefully are shot dead by the national guard and that's just "a mistake"?"What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground"? OK, the whole incident was exploited by the Hollywood left for its anti- war value but it was then and still is an inexcusable use of lethal force that is the same crime whether it's at Kent State or the Berlin Wall.

  4. Unlike escapees from East Berlin, the students at Kent State were not living under a fascist regime. The next presidential election was only two years away. East German border guards had orders to shoot anyone trying to escape. No such order had been issued to the Ohio Army National Guardsmen.

    The protest march was illegal and the students were aware of this. The authorities had (legally) cancelled it following several days of unrest, which included cars and shop being damaged, fires being lit in town, and looting, which had led to a curfew being imposed, which, in turn, had already resulted in confrontations between students and guardsmen. The ROTC building had been deliberately torched by rioters, who had cut fire hoses to make sure it couldn’t be saved. Tensions, as they say, were running very high - none of them casued the authorities, who were simply trtying to maintain some semblance of order and to protect property.

    Of course the National Guard wasn’t right to open fire. Yes, the mob had attacked them with rocks and was advancing on them at the time of the shootings, but that doesn’t excuse the killing of unarmed civilians – two of the victims were simply walking from one class to another. No one has yet explained why they opened fire (a very poor quality audio recording of the incident seems to suggest that four pistol shots were fired 70 seconds before the guardsmen opened fire, followed by an angry confrontation – that’s yet to be explained, but must have played on everyone’s nerves).

    In Blink! Malcolm Gladwell posits the theory that people under stress can suffer temporary autism – in order words, they misinterpret the data available to them. Hence, policemen shooting suspects because they believe they’re armed when they’re actually brandishing table legs or nothing at all, or pilots continuing on a disastrous course when, in retrospect, it’s obvious they were headed for disaster.

    Nothing else actually explains what happened that day. Not an excuse – but certainly one possible explanation for what was obviously an over-reaction.

    When I say I take the side of the authorities, I mean that if you have enough agitation happening across a country at any one time - even a fully-functioning democracy - involving armed soldiers, guardsmen and police protecting property and trying to maintain order, something is bound to go wrong. The core of vicious, revolutionary nihilists fomenting the protests/riots across the States at the time were more responsible for what happened at Kent State than anyone else.

  5. All good points, from a defence lawyer's perspective. But the Berlin border guards had a law to support their killing, however perverse that law was. The National Guard at Kent State, many of them the same age as the kids they shot, had no such excuse. In the US's sophisticated Constitutional democracy - and don't they go on about it- whatever the circumstances, whether a march has been banned or not, the use of lethal force against unarmed protesters is illegal in law. The disconnected, disorganised conglomeration of Yippies, Acid Freaks, Grateful Deadheads, Chicago Eight supporters amounted to no more than a mosquito on the ankle politic.

    It's great to have a serious disagreement about an incident 41 years ago! I always preferred the B side of CSNY's Ohio, a track called "Find the Cost of Freedom", all the better for its absence of polemic.

  6. Using the military or the police to confront rioters is not a good idea. Soldiers are trained to kill and deploy very heavy weaponry [they are not trained as peace-keepers - especially the Paras, as we discovered on Bloody Sunday]. The police do not seem to know what they are supposed to do. In 1980 they went into action against the Brixton rioters brandishing dustbin lids. Also, given various judicial enquiries and eccentric judgements the police seem recently to have developed a sense of "inanition" which will be deepend once the new Lawrence trial gets under way.

    In America, they persist in the use of their "militia" [National Guard] to control serious disorders. Using undercooked, fresh-faced kids armed to the teeth atop APCs and battle tanks does not represent common sense.

    In 1944 the French formed the CRS [Compagnies Republicains de Securite] and Gendarmerie Mobile - paramilitary police specifically trained in crowd- and riot-control and the re-establishment of public order. They hurt people, but tend not to kill them and have been historically effective. When their vans are spotted parked down side-streets the ranks of the rioters start thinning out. They fill the gap indicated above.

    British politicians don't like the idea because it is not a vote generator. The civil liberties mob [Hello, Ms Chakrabarti, how are you to-day?] thinks it smacks of the Nazi SS and SA or Cromwell's Model Army or whatever nonsense they can dream up. But the civil unrest problem is not going to disappear and nothing is being done to address it.

  7. SDG, Shami is too busy "mediating" between the St Paul's wankers and the authorities to be chatting to the likes of you!

    I remember visiting Paris on a school trip after the 1968 riots and two French youngsters proudly displaying some fairly spectacular scars they claimed had been the result of "clashes" with the Gendarmerie Mobile. As they were politically two of the silliest sausages I'd ever met, I rather took the side of the riot cops. Listening to that load of old bollocks would have driven anyone to violence! All we need here is the first hot summer in five years and authorities may very well need to stop worrying about upsetting the toothsome Ms Chakrabarti (may I say how pretty you're looking this morning, my dear?) and get serious about protecting us from swine, especially as the swine now appear to be better-armed than British troops troops in Afghanistan.

  8. EX-KCS - I've always loved "Find the Cost of Freedom" too - beautiful folk melody and delicate harmonising. Mind you, I loved "Ohio" as well - would have deserved a place on the superb "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere", if it hadn't been for the simplistic lyrics, and what I think are David Crosby's truly embarrassing shouts of "Why" and "How many more?" at the end. Yechhhh!

  9. I was never able to take Ohio that seriously after the girl I was going out with at the time asked me to play "that record 'Forgetting all I owe'". Stephen Stills developed the Find the Cost of Freedom song by tagging it on to the end of a tune called Daylight Again, which I still play a lot. And Everybody Knows this is Nowhere is still the finest Neil Young album.
