Thursday, 24 May 2012

Please watch "Dear Woman" - it'll make you puke or howl with laughter

Crikey, what a bunch of testosterone-deficient ladyboys! I kept praying for Jack Regan to appear and snarl "Now, get your knickers on and make us a cup of tea!"


  1. Oppressed Irish Scribbler25 May 2012 at 14:55

    And about time too. Anyone got any theories how they managed to keep their faces straight? Electrodes?

  2. Mainly puke, gave up after about two minutes, c.f. Private Eye's 'It's grim up North London' strip, except without the rigorous logic and the unshakable grasp of how normal people think and feel

  3. Me too, didn't finish it. Too pukey. These clearly must be examples of men properly in touch with their feminine sides. I'd reckon a lot of them are probably gay too. Or was that a politically incorrect statement?

  4. Come on guys. It's hilarious. I particularly enjoyed the bit after the contribution on burning and female genital mutilation where the serious grey-haired dude says "I may not have done these things myself". Many of us have faults with our memory these days but I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten that.

    Pace Tropicalrob, I reckon these chaps are full on hetero and very canny. You know how they used to define a male feminist? A man who carries a copy of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir in the hope that he'll get to sleep with more intelligent women. These chaps will be showing all the females of their acquaintance the video to show their sensitive side. Watch out girls!

  5. Ah Simone, Simone! Je souviens avec un grand precision des nuits tres delicieuses et puissantes avec toi et tes amies, les deux soeurs Kowakiewitzs, nos parties de jambes en l'air. Avec mes amis, les deux betes de sexe Herman von R et Charles Hawtrey, nous avons fait tout ensembles des explorations tres funky dans le departement de sous-vetements. Comme nous etions trois singes d'amour, Chazza, Hermy et moi!

    Chere Simone. Tu ais ecrit quelques livres. Comme d'habitude, je ne jamais lis ce poopy-doopy feministe. Je suis homme aux multiples et differents talents. Le deuxieme sexe, troisieme,
    quatorze....C'est pas de probleme qu'ant a moi, hur!
