Tuesday, 24 July 2012

"You didn't build that" - the Communist in the White House

Having been on holiday, I’ve only just caught up with this farrago of nonsense from the President of the United States. I assume it was carried by all our major news outlets – but I couldn’t find any reference to it on the BBC’s website (maybe I needed to put in search terms such as “God-like”, “genius”, “saviour” and “messiah”).

Sorry if you’ve all been listening to this for the past ten days, but it turns out that Obama actually does believe that the government knows best, that the government creates wealth, that the government creates jobs… that the government is the solution when, as Ronald Reagan was fond of pointing out, the government is invariably the problem.

Here in the UK political commentators have always assured us that whenever Democrats are described as left-wing, they’re still right-wing by European standards. Personally, I thought that tired old saw was made redundant by the execrable Jimmy Carter. Now, with Obama, the US has a president who’s even more left-wing than the current Labour leadership. That’s scary.

I know I’m just an ignorant foreigner when it comes to US politics, and I know that many American right-wingers – and even a few Democrats – have taken Obama to task for his bizarre pronouncements, but that’s not going  to stop me adding my two pennyworth. Here's a few points that popped into my head while listening to the man ranting:

Bill Clinton didn’t balance the budget. If anyone balanced the budget, Newt Gingrich did, and he only got the chance because mid-term American voters firmly rejected Clinton's left-wing policies.

The only millionaires governments create are parasites sucking at the public teat.

The only way a government can create a proper middle class – i.e. one that doesn’t consist entirely of government employees - is if it supports all the things Obama doesn’t believe in - i.e. small government, the Constitution, an independent judiciary, private enterprise, letting people decide how to spend the money they earn, cutting regulation to the bone and only giving welfare to those who genuinely need it.  

Any politician who can keep a straight face while saying “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that – somebody else made that happen”is a deranged socialist.

Yes, businesses use roads and bridges and suchlike – but the people who work for those businesses already paid for those things. Why should they be asked to pay twice? The rich in America pay enough damned taxes – what about asking  the 50% who don’t pay any income tax at all to chip in for a change? Don’t they use road and bridges? Or are 50% of all Americans too weak and useless and dependent to make a contribution?

Obama is evidently a pretty good political fighter, but when it comes to understanding what made his country great or what motivates decent, hard-working, self-reliant Americans – i.e. the majority – the man don’t appear to have a clue.

“Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system we have that allowed you to thrive.” Yup, they sure did – they’re the people who created the Constitution and the free market system, both of which Obama has done his level best to destroy.

I agree with Obama that there are a lot of smart, hard-working people out there – I’m just terrified there may not be enough of them to toss this dangerous communist wrecker out of office come November.

For once, Mitt Romney responded effectively:


  1. The reaction to Obama's bizarre outburst has been so bad in the US - where the latest polls show him neck and neck with Romney - that the President has made a 30" TV advert claiming his words were "taken out of context". by the Republicans.

    I don't think so, Barry!

  2. Maybe he really doesn't know where revenue comes from...maybe he's just an idiot. How else do you explain the political decision, his ham-fisted ideaology aside, to lecture the very people that pay for the roads about the importance of roads to thier success.

    "You...you there with the auto repair shop...you mechanic...you didn't build that wrench."

    Why doesn't he go lecture the 8 D.O.T. employees it takes to fill a pot hole? Explain to them the crucial role taxpayers play in keeping them employed...Lord knows they ain't busy.

  3. When I joined the BBC after a decade in the private sector - during most of which I was self-employed - I was astonished by the overwhelming contempt for private-sector tax-payers. You'd have thought that working for profit was intrinsically immoral. There was absolutely no understanding that without the private sector, the BBC and every other publicly-funded body would disappear overnight. I suspect your president is smart(ish) but blinded by the standard public sector leftist's inability to understand how the economy works - and that without a thriving contract-based business sector the majority of us would still be spending most of our lives worrying about whether we're going to have enough turnips or whale blubber to make it through to next year.
