Which, of course, means that Barack Obama is a racist, because he wants people to be treated differently on the basis of what they are rather than what they do. In a way, of course, he’s simply following his party’s rich tradition of treating people differently on the basis of skin colour – after all, Southern Democrats spent decades trying to deny blacks the vote, or the right to use the same restaurants and toilets as whites. The difference is that Democrats now want to treat kids with, say, white or yellow skin as second-class citizens.
This vile, filthy, morally deranged scheme perfectly encapsulates two major modern left-wing principles. The first is that groups who generally behave well and achieve things should be punished, while those who behave badly and fail should be rewarded – which, of course, is a recipe for a really decent, successful, just society. Second, if the world won’t conform to your cherished, left-wing notions of how it should be, simply close your eyes and pretend that’s how it really is! Blacks aren’t really behaving worse at school than those pesky, high-achieving Asians – just look at our shiny new figures!
Now, left-wing politicians introducing stupid, counter-productive schemes is hardly a surprise, but what’s genuinely puzzling is that a black president should pursue policies which seem designed to consign increasing numbers of black kids to the scrap-heap. How can teaching them that actions have no consequences and that being black means getting away with stuff other people get punished for possibly help prepare them for adult life? Is Obama’s racism all-encompassing – i.e. he hates whites for what he imagines they’ve done to black people over the years, and he wants to punish blacks for not responding appropriately to fifty years of guilt-based government interference by achieving economic parity with whites?
In a recent executive order, Obama established a President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans. You don’t need me to tell you what sort of incompetent, malevolent, self-satisfied jerks will be involved in this sinister, fascistic nonsense.
I have to admit that this story’s a few weeks old - I missed it because I was on holiday - but when I read about in American Thinker (the article is here) it struck me as so bizarre, so outrageous, a red mist descended, and I just had to vent. Mind you, if you want to witness some real venting (for starters, the President is characterised as a ”race-baiting pimp”), try this item on PJTV:
When Obama was elected, that great man Thomas Sowell predicted that he would be the most socialistic president in US history – and that the military might have to step in and remove him from office in order to save the United States. At the time, I thought the old boy had somewhat lost the plot. Now I’m not so sure. We’re talking about America. AMERICA! How in the name of God did it come to be led by someone who evidently hates everything it stands for?
And no matter how dull and wooden and unconvincing Mitt Romney is – and, by God, is he ever - how can Barack Obama possibly still be ahead in the polls?
Obama's narrow lead is due to just 15% (the cognitive elite)knowing what really is going on in America.The over-reach and dominance of the liberal media ensures unwelcome news from the Dems point of view gets 'buried.'
ReplyDeleteFor instance in Chicago,down in New Orleans,Philadelphia PA.Baltimore and DC,way down in LA,they'll be appalling,racist 'flash mobs'written off by the liberal press as "exuberant youth."
ReplyDeletejust why this once great and unfettered press should behave like this,I can only direct you to Mr.Gronmark's post on Skousen #21.
Is that deep well of American patriotism,once so pure and decent and imbibed by all those who cherish freedom,running dry?
Apologies to Martha and The Vandellas by the way.
I think you should apologise to whoever still lives in Detroit for leaving it out!
DeleteI'm pretty sure that American patriotism and love of Freedom is alive and well - unfortunately I'm not sure Mitt Romney's the man to tap into it. If only control of the main TV networks could be wrested from the hands of liberals, I suspect we'd see an improvement: there's plenty of patriotism on display on Fox News!
I was going to argue that Barry had simply authorised the setting up of an Advisory Commission. Then I thought I would read its terms of reference. It's a masterpiece of pre-judgment masked in the language of sweet reason and objectivity. Even those who don't completely buy into your Commie in the White House theory should start to worry about what he's up to.
ReplyDeleteObama appears to be a social engineer who believes the state is the font of all goodness and who seems to hate the Private Enterprise System. I think he's a modern communist - i.e. one who realises (albeit dimly) that if the economy is entirely nationalised he won't have any money to spend on controlling the people.