Sunday, 28 October 2012

Conservative man don't need her around anyhow - Madonna insults her fans

NEW ORLEANS — Madonna drew boos and triggered a walkout by several concertgoers after she touted President Barack Obama on her "MDNA Tour" in New Orleans.
 The Material Girl asked during Saturday night's performance: "Who's registered to vote?" She added: "I don't care who you vote for as long as you vote for Obama." Drawing boos in touting Obama over Republican Mitt Romney, Madonna followed: "Seriously, I don't care who you vote for ... Do not take this privilege for granted. Go vote." (You can read Stacey Plaisance's full AP story here).

Yeah, I bet she doesn't really care who her audience votes for - liberal fascists are, of course, only interested in the democratic process: the outcome doesn't interest them in the least (unless that involves conservatives winning, of course).

I was tremendously heartened by this news item, because I've always been mystified by the lack of response from conservative members of the audience when the ridiculous, preening jerks whose concerts they attend condemn their mainstream views as unacceptable. If a rock star or "comedian" ordered their audience to vote for a candidate because they were thin, would all the fat people at the concert just sit there and cravenly accept the implied insult? What's the difference between this tawdry trollop hectoring her audience about their political beliefs and her shouting out "Muslims are "like really, y'know, sucky?" or "Jews cause all the world's problems!"

Silly, arrogant cow!

Of course, it isn't just talentless airheads who rush to offend a significant portion of their fanbase. A few years back, when George Bush was in  power, I watched a televised concert by a re-formed Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, which ended with Young delivering a cosmically smug  anti-war, anti-Bush tirade. Gee, thanks, Neil, I thought. I've been a fan of yours for over 25 years, so I really appreciate you telling me that my political beliefs are completely wrong and that I'm a bad person for holding them. Of course, you're no doubt fabulously wealthy now, so you don't have to worry about pissing off huge numbers of people who, like me, made you rich in the first place. And while we're at it, let me get this off my chest - I'm with Lynyrd Skynyrd when it comes to  "Southern Man", you addled-headed castrato Canadian goofball. 

What annoys me even more is the fact that I can no longer listen to Neil Young - much of whose music I genuinely love - without thinking "You're a smug dork", just as it's impossible to listen to either of Gary Glitter's two classic tracks ("Rock 'n' Roll Part II" and "I Didn't Know I Loved You Till I Saw You Rock and Roll", as you ask) without thinking "You're a disgusting pervert". (At least I won't be put off Madonna's music, given that it is entirely without merit.)

Liberal-leftist entertainers seem to be blind to the fact that a significant section of their audience won't necessarily share the predictable, off-the-shelf, pre-packaged babyish platitudes that often pass for "thinking" in liberal circles. As I've pointed out before (here for instance) Liberal Leftists in general appear to be unable to accept the demonstrable facts that there are at least as many right-wingers and conservatives as there are of them, that not being left-wing isn't invariably a sign of moral turpitude or mental impairment, and that holding certain political beliefs doesn't mean that all your friends - or "friends" - have to think the same way. 

For instance, when a left-wing "friend" of mine implied on Facebook yesterday that he would vote for Obama if he were an American, an American female commented "That's because you have brains. And you're not afraid to use them." Yeah, that's right, girlfriend - those of us who would gladly dance a jig of delight on top of Nelson's Column if Obama loses are all really stupid, uneducated, ignorant, cross-burning, knuckle-dragging morons, and everyone who supports the Liberal establishment's lawn jockey (their patronising attitude, by the way - not mine) is, by definition, really smart (like this particularly razor-sharp member of Mensa). 

My "friend"'s Facebook comment yesterday was an attack on Romney's "binary" proposition that you're either for him or against him. But, of course, when it comes to binary attitudes, Left Liberals are on a par with Islamic fundamentalists.  The odd thing about people who think of themselves as caring, pluralistic liberals (their attempt to revive the term "progressive" seems to be failing) is how astonishingly intolerant, divisive and insensitive they are. 

I'll leave you with the Southern Man's splendid response to Neil Young - turn it up!:


  1. Where to start?

    Other than a brief return to form with 'Rocking in the Free World', a protest song in the mid-1980's, not much that the whiney warbly Ontario-born counter tenor did after his 1969 to 75 heyday has been worth bothering with, despite what Mojoists might say. I don't care about his politics. At the time, 'Ohio' had its place in anti-war sloganeering and was on the right side of the argument, alhough I respect this Blog's view to the contrary. The key point is that ever since then he has had two modes. One is soft folky/country, about his farm, maid, tractors, wife, servants, kin, barn dances, old times and is very dull. The other is grungy fuzz-busty 27 minute long stuff with what's left of Crazy Horse, surely the worst group of musicians ever to have plodded a living. And is very dull. The one departure from the pattern was his electronic experimental 'Trans'. Which is both very dull and irritating.

    Madonna is also an arse who has got dull since she got politics, and like Neil is now a bit of a joke. But don't dismiss her as 'entirely without merit'. Given a choice, I would take her joyful and vibrant 'Ray of Light' over anything the Cojone-challenged Canuck did after his first $1m.

  2. Sorry, Ex-KCS, I’ve just listened to “Ray of Light” and didn’t get it at all: it is literally meaningless to me, and her voice sounds awful. I’m afraid we’re in an Ohio stand-off situation with regard to Madge.

    The two main exceptions to your blanket condemnation of Neil Young’s post-1975 output is 1979’s “Rust Never Sleeps” (the acoustic and electric versions of Hey, Hey, My My, Powderfinger, Pocohontas and Thrasher in particular), which is one of my favourite all-time albums, and which I consider to be up there with “Everybody Knows This is Nowehere”; and 1992’s “Harvest Moon”, which I know fits firmly into your “soft folky/country, about his farm, maid, tractors, wife, servants, kin, barn dances, and old times” category, but just happens to be full of lovely song (e.g. From Hank to Hendrix, Unknown Legend, You and Me, One of These Days and Harvest Moon): yes, it’s safe, “old fart” dozy music (definitely not my favourite genre) and it isn’t as good as “Harvest”, but it isn’t far off. And it made up for some of the terrible crap he released in the ‘80s (“Ragged Glory” was my personal low point, apart from the two minutes of “Trans” I managed to get through, and that fantastically awful pseudo-rockabilly album).

    I have an inbuilt resistance to aging artists’ albums, because they’re usually just a reminder of how good they used to be – but now and then they manage not to embarrass themselves (John Fogerty pulled off the same trick with 2007’s brilliant “Revival” – and then spoiled it all with 2009’s “The Blue Ridge Rangers Ride Again”).

    Anyhow, me and my old lady have to go moseyin' out on our horses now to enjoy the clean, clear air on our simple little 40,000 acre organic ranch: we'll probably meditate on top of Stoney Ridge, before headin' back for a night of wine and weed and Oliver Stone movies in our simple 5,00-seater home cinema before endin' the day with a prayer to Gaia to help The Obamessiah to get elected so we can go on feelin' rilly blissed out and good about ourselves while America goes on slidin' down the old crapper.

  3. Yes, You're right. 'Rust Never Sleeps' is a return to form, as if there was something in Punk that inspired the old curmudgeon to put a bit of hard sweat into it. Still, too much distortion for my taste. I never quite gave up on the possibility of more great stuff and found myself driving from Vienna to Salzburg in 1996 for the disappointment of seeing him perform "Mirrorball", backed by the Stone Roses. Two years ago, I sat through the whole of "Le Noise", with the same result.

    The review in Mojo of his latest, "Psychedelic Pill", refers to a 28 minute track called "Driftin' Back'...Driftin' Off maybe....and back of a fag packet lyrics. I might give that one a swerve too.

    1. I have now listened to "Driftin' Back" on You Tube, which I would never have done had you not mentioned it.

      I will never forgive you.

  4. Oh dear. I didn''t recommend you to listen to it. I said I might give it a swerve. At least I saved you shelling out £9.99 for the CD. If it's that bad, I think I'll wait until Madonna does a cover version.
