One is always most bitter not towards the author of one’s wrongs, but towards the victims of one’s wrongs.Bullseye!
On the one hand, Cameron’s incomprehensible insistence on increasing the foreign aid budget and his perplexing obsession with gay marriage seem to be ploys to attract the votes of urban, Guardian-reading, public sector leftists (who wouldn’t in any case vote Tory if it was the only party in the sort of one-party state they evidently dream of implementing). On the other, he pursues economic policies which punish savers (i.e. Conservative voters) and reward borrowers (i.e. everyone else), and which do nothing whatsoever to reduce Britain’s horrendous, ruinous debt. Defence spending is slashed, the EU is appeased, attempts are made to blackmail universities into accepting less academically-gifted applicants on the grounds that their parents didn’t make sacrifices to pay for their education. Okay, Dave has set a trio of right-wing ministers to tackle education, welfare and council spending – but you get the feeling that’s merely a fig-leaf to mask the fact that he’s betrayed his party’s key values in practically every other area.
And then there was his embarrassingly enthusiastic support for Obama in the US elections, and his obsession with Britain playing a part in handing over various Middle Eastern countries from one set of fascist thugs to another.
It’s hard to imagine how the PM could have more successfully signalled his contempt for the views of the poor blighters who voted for him (unless he’d actually appointed Gordon Brown as his chancellor, of course). And if all the above wasn’t enough to earn him the enmity of life-long Tory supporters, he insults the membership of the party which now truly represents our views – patriotic, right-wing, libertarian, Thatcherite Ukip - by claiming that many of its members are “odd”.
Yeah, odd to you, Dave, no doubt – most of them didn’t attend £30,000 a year boarding schools, most of them worship Mrs. Thatcher, they don’t like being pushed around by the likes of Herman van Rompuy, they don’t live hugger-mugger with bankers in £4 million W11 mansions, they’d rather sock a Libdem in the jaw than form a coalition with one, they’re ashamed that Britain’s debt mountain is still growing, the thought of gay marriage – frankly – gives them the creeps, they think the EU is a fascist organisation, they think Green Energy and Climate Change are nonsense, they think spending billions on a London-Birmingham rail link is deranged, they don’t hold stay-at-home mothers in the same contempt as you evidently do, and they don’t see why British tax-payers' money should be handed over to countries that have absolutely sod all to do with Britain, and who won;t be in the least grateful for it in any case.
Here’s how Cameron recently defended his bloated foreign aid budget:
“…Britain is an incredibly generous country. The British people are incredibly generous.”Partly right, of course. When it comes to charitable giving, individual Britons are incredibly generous (well, the indigenous population, at least). But individual generosity isn’t the same as the state being generous with our money: there is a whole moral world of difference between one of this country’s 30.1 million taxpayers writing a cheque for their favourite cause and some smug politician raiding the public purse in order to send cosmic quantities of cash to some Third World hell-hole, without a by-your-leave. If you were a Conservative, Dave, you’d understand that. In fact if you were simply normal, rather than a massively privileged, enormously wealthy Westminster Bubbletarian, you’d get it.
You and your modernising chums are the real weirdos – your lifestyles and your liberal views might seem normal in academe and places like Notting Hill and Brighton, and they no doubt go down ever so well when you’re hanging out with other members of the left-liberal politico-media elite - but they make little sense in most other parts of the country. 75% of the electorate disapproves of its money being squandered on foreign aid. That make you the real whackjob around here, mate.
One last gripe. At your Coalition government “relaunch” (or however you wish to characterise today’s tawdry exercise) you and your unspeakable waste-of-space political partner kept banging on about how you’d “cut the deficit by a quarter” and about how you had “set out a credible path towards our goal to balance the current budget over the economic cycle”. Sounds great, of course – but it’s a con, a stinking, lying, dishonest con. Lucky for you that the words “debt” and “deficit” start with the same two letters, because it means that the vast majority of voters actually imagine that you’ve reduced Britain’s debt by 25% since you took came to power, whereas, by the end of this year, it will have gone up by more than that since you took office.
Of course, the people who’ve been pointing out that the policies implemented by you and your gutless chancellor would do little to stem the staggering increase in the debt that our children will be saddled with were - in the main - traditional Conservatives. And many of people who've suffered in the past 32 months of Coalition misrule are the sort of traditional conservatives who pay their way in the world, don't ask for hand-outs, and make sacrifices to save money for their old age. That’s why you keep attacking your core voters – we’re the ones who’ve spent the last two and a half years pointing out that the emperor has no clothes, we're the sensible, prudent types whose savings have shrunk - and we’re the ones who won’t be voting for you next time.
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