Tuesday 26 November 2013

Top judge Lord Neuberger sucks up to criminals: the various ways the liberal elite make sure we never get what we want

Today, the paper was full of The Lord Neuberger, (or Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury, to give him his nickname), President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdon, who, after one visit (one visit!) to one prison (Holloway) has decided that short prison sentences aren’t the answer to rampant recidivism: they merely disrupt the criminal’s job (like they’ve got one?) and family life (obviously, they’re terrific role models for their children - if they ever see them).

His Lordship went on to demand individual cells for criminals (the “vast majority” of jail-birds would prefer them, apparently), and to criticise poor quality food (as opposed to the crappy fried chicken and pizza they normally shove down their maws in between criminal acts), poor quality furniture (one's heart bleeds for the poor dears), and “bossy notices” on prison walls (because we wouldn’t like them to think they had to follow rules in life or anything as oppressive and judgmental-sounding as that).

Well, your Judgeship, if short sentences don’t work, what about…? No, there’s no point – he’s a well-educated (Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford) liberal, with a wide experience of everday life (his first job after university was with Rothschild's), so the idea of giving criminals longer sentences (which is what the majority of British voters would favour) simply wouldn’t compute.

The best joke in the newspapers this week was Ed Miliband announcing his strong support for more bobbies on the beat. Readers may vaguely recall that the weird little creep was a prominent member of the last Labour government, on whose watch the British police abandoned the streets, only venturing forth from their fortified redoubts when law-abiding citizens had the temerity to attempt to protect themselves from the welfare state’s vast army of feral “clients”. The Labour leader evidently thinks we’re stupid enough to believe that if we put his party back in power he’ll give us what we want – this time.

Who knows, maybe Miliband is right to believe we’ll swallow his lies - after all, which government in recent years hasn’t come to power promising (cross their hearts and hope to die) to put more cops on the streets? And we fall for it every time.

Yesterday, our true rulers, the European Commission, assured us that the Romanians and Bulgarians who will be allowed to enter Briton without hindrance next year will help the British economy – apparently, they’ll be paying far more in tax than they receive from the state. Yeah, sure. After grudgingly admitting that an influx of immigrants can “create challenges for local communities” (no shit, Sherlock!), the Commission then addressed the UK government’s stated intention to restrict the access of new migrants to welfare services: in a chilling reminder that the politicians British voters elect no longer control this country’s destiny, the EC stated:
“Once the UK Government has fully clarified any changes it intends to introduce concerning access to benefits, the Commission will seek to ensure that these measures are fully compliant with EU rules on free movement.”
Jawohl, mein Führer! – i.e. a bunch of unelected foreign socialists will decide to what extent recently-arrived foreigners will be allowed to plunder Britain's public purse, and there’s not a damned thing we tax-payers can do about it.

Here we have three examples of how the liberal elite deal with the clearly-stated wishes of the poor bloody infantry – i.e. hard-working, law-abiding common folk: they promise they’ll give us what we want, while having no intention of doing any such thing; or they tell us they’ll veto any attempt to give us what we want; or they pay no attention to us whatsoever and then recommend the course of action most likely to make us froth at the mouth in sheer frustration.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

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