Thursday 2 January 2014

The most horrible, ghastly, annoying, foul-mouthed female in the history of the unverse, bar none. She's Canadian

WARNING: you won't be able to watch more than two fucking minutes of this fucking woman running off at the fucking mouth without either smashing your fucking computer screen or looking up websites about how to become a Trappist monk. Alternatively, you may instead decide to offer up a prayer of thanks for the fact that you don't live in Canada, that you'll never have to encounter this appalling harridan in the flesh, and that you don't know a single female who is even remotely as vile as this repellent, shrieking harpie:

How does anybody end up like that?

This frightful cow and 13 other North American blisters are featured in a Taki Magazine article by Jim Goad entitled "The 13 Most Annoying People of 2013", here.

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