Saturday 1 February 2014

Farewell, Sally Morgan of Ofsted - ousting lefties from key public sector posts is a really great idea

So the government has decided not to reappoint former Blair adviser “Baroness” Morgan as “chair” (God, what a stupid term) of the schools inspection body Ofsted.  She, typifying the quiet dignity and humility invariably displayed by self-regarding leftie quangocrats, has gone on a public whingefest, accusing the government of ousting non-Tories from public service posts. Well, excuse me if I don’t burst into tears, Sal.

The best thing Mrs. Thatcher did was to revive Britain’s economy after decades of ruinous sovietisation. The worst thing she did was to allow the Left – which had been comprehensively rejected by the electorate – to gain control of pretty much the whole of the public sector apart from Parliament. The main reason the Conservatives won’t win an outright majority at the next election against a comically inept Labour leader and a cosmically useless shadow chancellor is the that the Left has used the education system, the NHS and the BBC to brainwash the majority of the electorate into believing that all Tories are evil, that there’s really no need to repay your debts, that the rich only get where they are by exploiting the poor, and that the Labour Party is on the side of “the people”.

I’ve no idea why the likes of Sally Morgan imagine that a Tory-led government should as a matter of course allow a bunch of compassion-mongering wreckers to maintain a stranglehold on the public sector, when it’s blindingly obvious that, for the good of the country, every equalitarian, Europhiliac, socialist  gauleiter should have been given five minutes to clear their desks and marched out of the building (at the point of a gun, if necessary)  in the wake of the 2010 election. And told to pay for the taxi home out of their own pocket - for a change.

Traditional Conservatives – all frightfully nice, well-brought up types - will no doubt disagree, dismissing this sort of nakedly partisan approach as a betrayal of the principles upon which the British state has traditionally been run. Well, sod it – the public sector Left is incredibly well-organised, enormously influential, limpet-like when it comes to holding on to power, and terribly destructive: they’ve been running rings around the Conservatives for decades, and this might be the Tories’ last opportunity to run the bastards off the reservation. Of course, they’ll all come crawling back after Labour and the LibDems “win” next year – but I’m sure most right-wingers would like to see our side (for once) employing every available weapon in its armoury in the never-ending cultural war against the massed ranks of the left-liberal establishment before darkness once more descends across the land.

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