Thursday 27 March 2014

UKIP's view of the world, accord to The Huffington Post - pretty much my view as well

By the way, BFF (where the US is) stands for "Best Friends Forever".

Our politico-media elite is in a state of some confusion today following last night's LBC Europe debate between Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage. As far as they're concerned, Clegg won handsomely, and yet a snap YouGov poll of those frightful oiks who read The Sun suggested that Farage had mollucated his eyebrowless ponce of a Big Government, nanny-know-best opponent by 57% to 36%.

It could be that Clegg is now so universally despised that only Westminster types can  listen to his odious twaddle without experiencing an urge to projectile-vomit. WQhat's certain is that all that smooth, glossy, glib, condescending double-talk just doesn't cut it any more with us little folk. Farage - shouty, sweating like a pig, slightly out of his element, unable to brush aside one or two awkward questions - came across as a genuine human being trying to tell the truth as he saw it: Clegg looked like a replicant released into the world before the final human touches had been applied, and sounded like a robot fitted with the standard question-answering software perfected by Europe's ruling elites.

In a recent YouGov poll for the BuzzFeed website (here), people were asked which of the three main party leaders was the most honest. They all fared badly, but Clegg - with a miserable 20% - came bottom: we just don't trust the blister, and his performance last night won't have done anything to change that.

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