Tuesday, 16 December 2014

There's a very simple solution to this moral conundrum, compassion-mongers

And the solution is: You volunteer to pay more tax than you've been asked to pay - go ahead, be our guest, give as much as you want! The government can hand over your wildly generous excess contribution to those thousand lazy bums, while my tax money can be directed towards the single poverty-stricken family you mention. That way, you get to fund the sort of feckless, criminal cheats who make me vomit, while I get to fund people who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in genuine, desperate need.  I won't end up feeling I've been scammed, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that - for once - you've actually put your own money, as opposed to other people's, where your big, fat, sanctimonious mouth is.


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