Yes, I know that sounds like the ravings of some old geezer who spends too much time alone with his computer in his eyrie under the eaves. After all, isn’t the prospect of Iran’s fascist theocrats armed with nuclear weapons rather more worrying? Or of thousands of battle-hardened Islamist terrorists returning to their homes in the West intent on slaughter? Or that Russia’s gangster government is once more diverting attention from its own economic incompetence by trying to take over the rackets on the Lower East Side (or Ukraine, as it’s better known)? These things are of more immediate concern, yes – but the main reason we’re having to worry about all these wicked fuckers in the first place is because of Cultural Marxism, which rests on the belief that all forms of society are equally valid, and that there’s no justification for the West (in the words of the world’s leading Cultural Marxist, Barack Obama) to ”get on our high horse”.
Barry employed this phrase during an appearance at a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington yesterday, while performing his usual trick of excusing the Islamic barbarism taking place across the world by citing the behaviour of Christians during the Crusades, which ended 824 years ago with the fall of Acre, and which were, in any case, a response to Islamist military aggression. He threw in the Jim Crow laws as another example of Christian wickedness (by the way, did you know Obama was black?) apparently unaware that, just as it was Christians who instituted those laws, it was Christians who got rid of them. (He probably imagines it was Muslims – after all, this is the man who asserted that “Islam has always been a part of America” and that “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance”, which may come as a surprise to Jews.)
Because the BBC is the most powerful propaganda organisation in the West when it comes to promoting cultural relativism (or multiculturalism, to give it its more usual name), it omitted to mention the wave of condemnation following Obama’s bizarre bit of spurious equivalence-mongering in its two online reports on the speech. Instead, they devoted one of the articles to the Prez’s attack on religious intolerance in (wait for it) India! Yes, Christian children are being crucified, rapded or sold into sexual slavery by Muslims in iraq, but Obama wants us to concentrate on what’s happening in India.
The West is in desperate need of leaders willing to get on their “high horse” and defend Western civilisation against barbarian thugs, tyrants and gangsters. Our values and our societies are simply, unarguably, superior – morally, economically, aesthetically, spiritually, whatever - to what our vile, primitive, blood-soaked, knuckle-dragging enemies have to offer. Civilsation, according to John Maynard Keynes, is a thin and precarious crust which Cultural Marxists – the true enemy within - constantly hack away at. The next time some Guardian-reading twerp tells you they’re seeking to destroy our hard-won way of life for the sake of “equality” or “fairness” or “justice”, just slap their silly face for them.
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