Then, a month ago, it turned into this:
Chris: If penguins are actually just chickens in wet suits, is it okay to warm them up by peeing on them? Quickly please.
Mark England: My dog keeps dragging his arse along the floor. Do you know why this is?
Jonathan: Have you ever considered splitting with Dumfries and going solo?
Birdy: Do you think the hokey kokey really IS what it’s all about?
Al Murray: Crikey can you smell that one where you are? Sorry
Paula: If a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody around to hear it, are you still a cunt?
Eli Lake: Isn’t it weird that your party is called “RESPECT” when so few people in the UK actually, you know, respect you?
Michael C. Moynihan: If the Islamic State gets its own TV channel and offers you a show, who will you have as your sidekick?
MoDawah: did Saddam Hussein ever make love to you and whisper "not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion" beforehand?
Tom Owolade: When you're not not supporting dictatorships, excusing terrorists, justifying rape and baiting Jews, what are your hobbies?
Steven Nash: If you were to salute the courage, strength, and indefatigability of any living dictator, who would it be and why?
Vladimir Putin: Have you ever met a mass murdering dictator you didn't like?
Tommy Robinson (ex-EDL leader): will u have a charity fight against me? If I win, money goes to @HelpforHeroes , if u win, actually u won't win
Lucy Roper: 'Felix' or 'Whiskas'?
Jake Warren: When did you decide to consciously start dressing like Gary Glitter?
TheHappySlapper: what type and size of stone do you recommend to throw at Rape victims to cause most injury and/or death?
Ex-Muslims forum: Hi George, you want a blasphemy law in Britain. How would you like to see apostates dealt with? Beheading, or hanging?
The Blue Baron: If you could bring back anyone from history which deceased Arab tyrant would you choose?
Baldylocks: What did Saddam's bum hole taste like??
Masamah PAI: Is Bradford now a completely Jew-free zone or do you have plans to build concentration camps in Halifax?
Of course, not everyone finds it funny...
Asghar Bukhari: Zionists are attacking @georgegalloway under the #AskGalloway tag - makes me realise how great a man he is.
...but the rest us are laughing fit to bust!
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