Wednesday, 11 February 2015

This picture of Muslim protesters descrating Monty's statue almost made me throw up

You'd think, wouldn't you, that any normal, decent Muslim attending a march in London last Saturday would be doing so in order to distance himself (it's always a himself, of course, because their womenfolk just do what they're told) from the savage thugs who - claiming to worship the same deity as the protestors -  had besmirched the reputation of Islam by burning a Jordanian pilot alive and posting a video of their almost inconceivably foul, subhuman act. Or maybe they'd want to condemn the neanderthal thugs who slaughtered staff and visitors at Charlie Hebdo in the name of Allah just one short month ago.

Not a bit of it.

No, what this bunch of charlies (there were about a thousand in total, but they were delivering a petition to Downing Street signed by 100,000 assorted freedom-haters) were protesting about was the publication of demeaning images of Mohammed, whom they regard as their prophet. Apparently, people who break the rule - like, say, the Charlie Hebdo journalists - should be punished. Only, of course, the Charlie Hebdo journalists have already been punished by the protesters' somewhat over-eageer co-religionists.

Compassionate, or what? (Well, what, obviously.)

I suppose one should have allowed one's eyes to drift over this photograph, pausing merely to wonder once again why, given their contempt for Western values, they're, y'know, still here in the West, rather than safely sequestered with like-minded liberty-loathers in some parched Third World crap-heap. But the symbolism was simply too shoutingly obvious for one's gaze not to be arrested.

I wonder what Monty - who played a significant part in defeating a regime which pumped out anti-Semitic propaganda, butchered Jews, treated women as second-class citizens, sent homosexuals to prison camps, and had one or two minor issues with freedom of speech - well, I wonder what he'd have made of the disrespect shown to his statue, and therefore to his memory,  by a bunch of "Britons" who wouldn't have a clue who the Great Man was or what he had done for this country and for the cause of freedom generally.

One shudders to imagine who the protesters' heroes are. Presumably not Wellington, Nelson, Gladstone, Thatcher or the Duke of Marlborough. Ah, multiculturalism - don't you just love it?

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