Thursday, 22 June 2017

This deserves a round of applause...

Unlike yesterday's so-called revolutionary Day of Rage, which deserved this reaction:

The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, had called for a million protesters to take to the streets for a mass conniption fit/nappy-filling tantrum over Labour's failure to win the general election - apparently, "up to" 500 were involved in yesterdays' demo. Presumably, all the trustafarian snowflakes melted in the intense heat. 

Pondering the efforts to rehouse and compensate victims of the Grenfell Tower fire, I was relieved to realise that our property isn't sufficiently upmarket to be requisitioned by our Labour council for humanitarian purposes. But, like the comedian Lee Hurst, I was somewhat bemused by the laissez-faire attitude to weeding out false claimants which some of our politicians are demanding:
I have absolutely no idea why somebody who shouldn't be in this country occupying a property they shouldn't have been living in should be rewarded in any way whatsoever for having survived the disaster. Are private landlords expected to compensate squatters who get hurt in a building they're illegally occupying? (I wouldn't be in the least surprised to hear that the answer is yes.) Khan is merely deploying the standard left-wing technique of upping the virtue-signalling ante in an effort to come up with a demand that no sensible government could possibly accede to - at which point, he can accuse the Tories of being grotesquely uncompassionate and Literally Hitler. It's astonishing how many people still fall for this tired old trick. But, then, 40% of the electorate voted for a party led by Jeremy Corbyn. 

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