Monday 13 January 2014

A portrait of Labour MP Diane Abbott - sanctioned by fellow MPs - cost taxpayers £11,750

WARNING: if you click on the headline of this article, you will see a somewhat startling official portrait of Diane Abbott. I've decided not to place it here at the top of the page because I suspect it might give some of my readers a bit of a nasty turn...

According to this exclusive in the London Evening Standard, a cross-party group of MPs has been spending a small fortune (our money, of course) commissioning portraits of MPs to be hung in the House of Commons and various parliamentary offices around Westminster. I can just about understand why - even thought his country is more than a trillion pounds in debt thanks largely to decisions made by our MPs - it might be thought acceptable to commemorate politicians occupying the highest offices of state. But Diane Abbott???? Every time this truly awful woman opens her mouth and says something stupid or unpleasant in that weird woofly voice (I've speculated before that she might be profoundly deaf) or tweets some ignorant, assinine comment on Twitter (e.g. her moronic intervention following the Mark Duggan verdict last week), relations between black and white Londoners instantly deteriorate.

I massively, massively, MASSIVELY resent even a tiny micro-fraction of what I pay in tax being squandered on celebrating a person who has done so much to drive a wedge between races and classes in London. Given that this self-professed socialist could afford to send her son to a private school so that he wouldn't be subjected to the dreadful education provided by the state system, I suggest the committee responsible for frittering our cash away on this farcical vanity project ask the woman to pay for the portrait herself - or that all the members of the Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Artbe forced to fork out for it from their own pockets.

British readers might enjoy a discussion on benefits on last week's edition of the BBC's This Week politics programme, during which the former Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins utterly eviscerates Ms Abbott (I particularly relished the bit where Diane Abbott in her most unctious "caring" voice announces that she recently visited a food bank in her constituency only to be met with a witheringly sarcastic "Oh, well done!"). The exchange can be found here.

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