Sunday 12 January 2014

The average cost of fags: is ours the second most caring government in Europe - or a bunch of greedy, plundering tax-junkies?

Why in the name of God do cigarettes in Britain cost over 40% more than they do in Germany and Finland, and almost 30% more than in France? Ludicrous! One of the many reasons Budget speeches have driven me mad over the years is the way every Chancellor of the Exchequer raises the tax on cigarettes with the implication that (a) they're doing something oroginal and clever and (b) it's being done for the good of our health rather than simply to maintain our grotesquely wasteful national tax-and-spend Ponzi scheme. They're as addicted to spending our money as any sixty-a-day nicotine-fiend.

The utterly fatuous and unecessary High-Speed Rail Link between London and Birmingham is likely to end up costing us £50,000,000,000 - just scrap that and stop fiddling about with our little pleasures, you fools. (And I speak as an ex-cigarette smoker.)

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